Earlier today I posted screenshots of Kristel's most recent rant.
The more I think about the things she says, the more I feel the need to address some of her delusions.
As everyone knows, Kristel has built her entire life around continuously faking pregnancies and then, always claims that her babies die. She has done this over and over, time and time again. She is all consumed with it.
She obsesses over pregnancy and, because she can't get pregnant, she pretends she is and then just feins miscarriage or, even worse, infant loss when she cant produce a baby at the end of nine months.
Kristel has made elaborate stories claiming to have dead babies. She had ordered and accepted free donated "angel bears" to represent each of her pretend dead children. She accepted home made baby gifts claiming to be pregnant when she wasn't and even entered a contest on a baby loss site and won handmade items when she lied about "Landen."
Here are some of the items Kristel has received from baby loss organizations and kind people who she tricked into believing her lies in order to gain gifts and donations:
Kristel accepted donated bears from this organization:
Below is a link to at least 3 shipments she received by claiming to have numerous dead babies. (She is at the bottom - #3990, 3992, 3993
Click below:
She has also received hand knitted items, soaps and jewelry made by mothers who actually DID lose children. It's sad they have been taken advantage of.
But, despite all of the obvious signs of Kristel's delusions, I think the thing that sticks out the most is her constant claims that people are "jealous" of her wonderful life.
I think I can speak for everyone who has suffered the loss of a child, whether through miscarriage, stillbirth or the death of an infant or child there is absolutely NOTHING to be jealous of.
The very fact that Kristel is constantly claiming she has "haters" and loads of people who are "jealous" of her "wonderful life" proves she is NOT a grieving mother who has just lost a child in January and numerous other babies in the past 4 years. It is LUDICROUS to base your entire life around tales of your children dying, then, claim your life is wonderful and people are just jealous.
Losing a child is not anything to make light about, lie about or try to gain attention from.
I challenge you to find even 1 mother who claims her life is "wonderful" mere months after losing a 3 week old newborn as Kristel claims she did just 2 short months ago.
It's funny that, after Kristel was exposed as being a liar about Landon she completely quit mentioning him all together and now harps about how great life is.
She made these 2 posts in the last 24 hours:
If my baby died 8 short weeks ago, you can best believe I wouldn't be posting how "beautiful" my life is or how much I love it. I would be depressed and grieving and trying to dig myself out of that despair. Kristel always manages to forget her dead babies as soon as the gig is up.
And, at no time did anyone ever say Kristel did not lose a baby 13 years ago to Potters Syndrome. Yes, we all acknowledge that happened. In fact, I believe that incident is the very thing that sparked her obsession with dead babies. The fact that Jonathan went along with these fake pregnancies didn't help her mental illness, either.