Dammit, Kristel, I was so proud of you. I even disabled this blog, but tonight I stumbled upon some recent rants.
I had no clue Kristel was still obsessing about this blog (because it was disabled months ago.) But, boy has she ever been flipping out about it - and, she's pretending to be pregnant again - complete with fake sonograms, as usual.
The only problem with Kristel claiming to be pregnant.... She is also posting that she is trying to sell her old baby stuff because she doesn't need it, but needs the money for medical bills and in case she ever decides to try to get pregnant again.
Kristel, you need to quit with your lies, girlfriend.
Lying is not very nice! And, lying is really tacky when it involves fake pregnancies and dead babies.
Anyway, without further ado, here is her latest:
**Notice Kristel started making up the pregnancy lies in late Aug and early Sept... Well, here is a post she made on August 1, 2014 trying to make some quick cash off supplies I am sure have been donated to her during her fake pregnancy with the super model, fake baby Landen.
Here is a direct link to this fb post. Hurry and clickety click before
she realizes she's busted and deletes her post!
Now, lets think about this for a second. Really let it sink in.
On Aug 29, 2014 Kristel makes a post "thanking her team of drs" for helping her achieve this pregnancy, but then, the very next day, Kristel is trying to hawk baby items on a garage sale fb page because she wants to put money in savings in case she ever gets pregnant.
Oh, and lets make bets about how long it will be before this newest fake pregnancy miscarries. LOL