Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Kristel Does Youtube

So, Kristel was kind enough to leave a comment on the prior post directing us to a youtube video she uploaded pretending to take a "highly sensitive HSG test" that suppossedly "detects HSG within days of conception" and is "highly sensitive" because it was given to her by her "fertility dr."

When, in reality, she's just using a cheapo Wondofo you can buy in lots of 20 for under $10 bucks on Youtube and are about as far from "sensitive" as they come.

Here's what she used and pretended was some high tech test from the fertility dr.  LOL

Also, watch the video... she CLEARLY states AND holds up 3 tests, then they magically morph into 4!  phahaha

Her video is quite amusing.

She claims she had a "little miracle" over the summer.

She also thaks her "supporters" and claims she has been battling infertility for a gazillion years or something.

I think she meant mental illness, because THAT is what she is inflicted with.

She also mentions her "husband."

Last I checked she wasn't with Jon anymore, so I guess she has some new fella this week that she is trying to pull a fake pregnancy over on.

Kristel, you are a real hoot, girl!

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