Thursday, June 26, 2014

Kristel and her new black fella

You know  our favorite fake pregnancy havin, constantly miscarryin', cant keep a baby alive, mother of the year is never without a man. 

Now Kristel has hooked up with some random black man - who just happens to have pic of dead baby graves on his wall!

A match made in Heaven?  It sure seems like it,

Kristel changed her "Kris Smith" facebook page to "Kris Nunya" but not before she added a nice First Responder banner pic to it - cause we know she has to keep up her fantasy life as a firefighter/EMT/nurse, ect...

Here are some of her recent shenanigans:

This is Kristel's new fella.

He's a handsome devil, isn't he!

And here is Kristel's newest alter ego (one in a loooong line of aliases):

Kristel deleted her profile pic and changed her name from "Kris Smith" to "Kris Nonya" to try to trick us because she is mad that we busted her in the most recent post with the baby daddy who claimed she was "by his side" at the same exact time she was trying to bum donations for IVF/pregnant with fake baby Landen.

Kristel, you sneaky little thing!  You can't fool us!  We have a screenshot just in case you tried to pull a little stunt!

I dont know about y'all, but I sure am glad Kristel deleted that awkward, weird mouth profile pic.  Can someone say "Crazy eyes!"

Here is the new love affair unfolding on her new Beau's facebook.

Ahhh..... Smell that?  Love is in the air.

Who wants to make bets on how quick Kristel will get pregnant and have a this new gentleman's fake dead baby?  I give it until the end of summer.

Look at how adorable they are.  Those two are going to make some beautiful fake dead babies!  I can't wait for her to steal pictures of little mixed babies of the internet to pretend are their own.

Kristel, you sure do jump around from man to man.

Lets see, just since you had the fake pregnancy with dead baby Landen you have been with:

1. Jonathan (your hubs who you wanted to do IVF with in August 2013 and who stood rubbing your fake belly  by the mantel like a dumbass  in Dec. 2013)

2. Nakia Guillory (Who was by your side in September 2013)

3. Joseph Farlow - The handsome gent you named fake baby Landen after and who was there to comfort you during the fake death.

4. And now our boy Thad.


Am I missing anybody?

I think it's safe to say Kristel likes the D!

*Note to Kristel:  The CDC warns that promiscuity and multiple sexual partners can lead to STD's and resulting infertility.  I dont mean to be a party pooper but... I think maybe YOU and your lifestyle is the problem!  Maybe you have ghonorhea (or at the very least, crotch crickets) and THAT is why your fake dead babies keep dropping like flies.  Just sayin.

Oh. and in other news, did ya'll know Kristel is a 5 time cancer survivor!

What an inspiration you are to all of us, girl!  Keep up the good work!


  1. Has it ever occurred to the poster and contributors that you're just as "sick" and "psychotic" as you say Kristel is. The lengths you go to the "expose" her is unbelievable. At some point you have to seriously look at this and say I'm sitting here digging up all this to put on a blog. For what? Entertainment? Pretty sick. When you should go on with your life as she has gone on with hers, you have apparently sat there and stalked her and whoever she was with. Still don't see anything wrong?? Sad thing about it is you have lemmings hanging on your every word. This whole thing is pathetic.
    Fire back with your rationalization of how this is so justified. Still doesn't make you sound any less pathetic or psychotic.

    1. Has it ever occurred to you that this site has a HUGE following because everyone knows you are a psycho that makes up fake pregnancies constantly? Your fake pregnancy, delivery and death of "Landen" made you a legend and you know have a cult following. If you didnt want attention, you shouldnt have made that shit up. You are infamous now. Like a sick train wreck. We can't look away. You created this monster, now deal with it!

    2. PS. Kristel, remember that time I told you I wouldn't talk to you when you were speaking in third person? Well, quit trying to pretend to be someone else taking up for you. That's your signature move and we are all over it. Find a different angle! You are annoying.

  2. Hi Kristel! How is Thad these days? Did you ever get custody of your kids back or were the fake babies too much for he courts? I could send you a baby be born if yah want, although they don't bury good and definitely don't take good pics so just keep stealing them off the internet! Make sure Thad wraps it cause no one wants an everlasting gift of an STI

  3. How old are you? You can't possibly be serious right now? What exactly are you trying to preach? Ahhh yes, the everlasting gift of a STI. I'm sure if anyone knew what it was they wouldn't want it. Enough is enough already. You sound quite juvenile. LOL.

    1. So, was an "STI" (as you call it) the reason all your fake babies die? You have about 40 dead babies. I bet you need to get your southern region cleaned out - then maybe you can have a live fake baby! LOL

  4. You are the only one acting like a kid faking you are a mommy with your fake dead babies hunny!

  5. LOL. Great justification. Let's compare apples to apples. Your misdeeds compared to her supposed misdeeds. Wasn't it said a few blogs back that the "IP address is tracked". If that is so accurate as you state, than you should know that this would not be her. LOL. Again, enough is enough. Don't you think it's time to let things go. Live and let live people. The lengths the contributors and poster are going to are beyond textbook psychotic. In case you want to look that up, Google may help you or refer to your local psychiatrist.

    1. Hey Kristel, I think I hear your fake dead baby Landen crying. You better go rock him. Oh wait! I think it's the fake dead baby Grace Marie with the garden stone - no wait it's one of the dead twins Blaine and/ or Claire. Nope! I'm hearing a voice from the dead....It's not them! It's fake dead baby Callie crying from her fake coffin in the fake cemetery. Oooppssss.... my mistake! Dead baby Callie never had a coffin because you forgot to give her a fake funeral because you made her up months after she fake died. With all those dead babies needing attention how do you have time to worry about this site? Don't you have a man to go pin a fake pregnancy on so you can then deliver a critically ill newborn who will fake die in your fat arms and you can dedicate cheesy song lyrics to it and give it a fake funeral? LMAO

    2. FYI: IP address is you beyond a doubt, Kristel. Go play with your fake dead babies. You aren't fooling anyone. ;)

    3. LOL. Your caliber of psycho is severe sweetheart. If you're as factual as you claim than you and I both know you're lying about the IP address. LOL. What else could you possibly be fabricating?? While there are things that raise eyebrows, I will admit. You are beginning to crawfish. Stick to what you know though. It seems to suit you and keeps your lemmings at bay. Good night sweety. This was quite comical while it lasted. You've now stooped to the level of a juvenile. Be proud dear. You are what you have blogged about. Stand proud.

  6. Wow... The story just keeps getting better!

  7. This bitch is so sick. She makes me sick with her fake babies dying. As a lost mama to 4 sweet babies. I just cant understand why anyone would want to be in our shoes. And all the real pain and hurt that goes with it. To any of u ladies on here. Who has lost a baby or babies. I want to say im so sorry for your losses. And i am sending u all loving hugs. I mean really,who in there right mind would want to walk in our shoes.My losses were very long ago. But it hurts still.And i lost my 4 month old grandson Matthew Aug 9th,2012. God how i miss all of them. And my one daughter in law lost our first grandchild at 23 week. It was a boy. And she lost one at 9 wks and one at 8 wks. This is real bitch. Not fake!!!! If i would ever see u. U will know who i am. Cause i will be the one who is beating the shit out of u. Ok im seeing red. I so have to stop before i hop a plane. What a real piece of crap.

  8. Sorry my sweet grandson Matthew passed away the day after my b-day on Aug 10th,2012. My b-days havent been the same since.


If you have been lied too, conned or scammed by Kristel, please leave details here.