Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Here we go... Round 8,462,589

Looks like Kristel is playing pretend again and getting some clueless medic to pose for selfies with her.  Someone needs to warn this poor guy and make him aware of who he's dealing with.

Kristel, Honey, you are in your 30's and have no business pretending to be fresh out of high school learning the job with a Field Training Officer.

And you can't get "back to work" when you never worked in the first place!

You never were a medic.

You aren't a medic now.

You won't be one in the future.

Oh, a Landon was fake.


  1. This is Kristels ex-husband. Please contact me at rodneythomson@msn.com

  2. Would the owner of this site please contact me at rodneythomson@msn.com??? I am Kristels ex-husband. I need your assistance please.

  3. Would whoever is running this blog PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE contact me at rodneythomson@msn.com or even my lawyer at wesleygaljour@gmail.com. U can even call/text me. 281-2414. This is Kristels ex-husband.

    1. Would you please take down my contact information frome here? Thanks

  4. Kristel has a new FB. IT IS UNDER JEFF NKRIS CARRIER

  5. She stole MY husband. He already has 1 wife and he says that he is common law married to her.

    1. How can he be married to two people? From what I hear you left him. You also had been separatedoing for 7 years. This is his cousin so I'm speaking from facts. They work together. If that's stealing your husband you obviously have issues. My cousin has enough trouble to deal with from all the crap you put him through and the IRS lein you have screwed him over with. Along with getting him evicted because YOU left him wiped him out then bagged behind. You seem to forget who Serena is. He left you for her. So how does his coworker and friend automatically become a common law wife? Lol. Leave my cousin alone and out of this distasteful blog. You've done enough damage. Go after the real woman who you brought into your home your best friend Serena Grant who "stole" your husband. You shouldn't have brought another woman into your relationship. But blaming someone else is just wrong. You're putting him into this mess and he has nothing to do with this. Neither does the woman you're claiming "stole" your husband. You were warned to stop harassing him and you have just violated the restraining order he has against you! You were told to cease and desist and I'm forwarding this to him for his attorney for when you go to court. I hope you enjoy orange jumpsuits. For 25 years youvery put my cousin through a living hell and here you are right where you can get attention playing the victim again still putting him through hell. Don't you have a conscious? Oops that's right you're exactly like your mother who blew her brains out so the answer is no. Do yourself a favor and go slice your wrist again so you can leave my family alone. We never liked you to begin with we tolerated you. If you remember correctly Aunt Colleen and Uncle Dennis begged him not to marry you they even stopped talking to their only son because of you. You should feel proud for all that you have done to him while he worked his behind off and you sat on your behind not even cooking or raising your kids. For God's sake he taught Steffanie about her cycle because you didn't want to be a mother and we're too lazy and mentally deranged. Your son won't talk to you because you have went completely crazy since you decided to leave the family home. No one wants anything to do with you and you did this to yourself. And one more time for the record Krystal has nothing with your soon to be ex husband except for working at the same company and at one point when she was challenging the national registry he was her FTO. For crying out loud you were friends with her until you moved out and found out you don't get alimony then started telling people she stole your husband. 2 words. Serena Grant. That's who your soon to be ex is with and has her name tattooed on his chest. I'm sure it wouldn't smooth out well if he was with another woman with Serena tattooed recently on his chest. You always were a mess now you're just crazy. Someone should start a blog about all your lies. I bet people would flock to comment the scams and lies you have ran on them!

    2. You are sick individual, you have no respect for no one, you and the horse you road on can go fuck yourself

    3. I just grabbed my popcorn. This is great. No really, what's "yours" cannot be taken in the first place. Sad to say but looks like a favor was done, lady. Seems like this is a case of "you spot it, you got it".

    4. I LOVE when Kristel pretends to be someone else than goes on a long- winded rant. Kristel, honey, we know this is you. No "cousin" would be so vested in Jeff's life that they would put all that time and thought into a comment. (Hell, that comment was so long I didn;t even read half of it before getting bored and quitting.)

      For anyone knew here, Kristel is NOTORIOUS for commenting here ( and other sites) pretending to be someone else. I always wondered why Kristel didn't just be honest and defend herself. I guess she thinks it's more believable if she defends herself while pretending to be someone else.

  6. Is your husband Jeff Carrier? He needs to see this website so he will realize she's NEVER been a medic. She is a sick, sick individual. $10 bucks says she's going to pretend to be pregnant... and then the baby will mysteriously die!

    1. Yes that's my husband but they work together so she has certification as much as I hate to admit it.

    2. Yes this is Juanita's husband that wrote all the "stuff" about being Jeff's cousin. I have talked to his cousin and he knew nothing about this and was livid that Jeff was lying and saying all this junk. I also talked to his sister and got the same results. Neither one of them even knew that they were separated. they both have told me that they are blocking him from their Face book account. They said that if everything y'all are saying about her...just maybe they both deserve each other. I am a very close friend to Juanita's second Mother and when I have time I will reply to the long list of lies that are actually written by Jeff, you can tell by the wording and the slime. Jeff is the on that has moved 2 women into their home not Juanita.

  7. This is jeffs REAL wife can someone please email me I have some questions and information carriers2015@mail.Com

    1. you are not Jeff.'s REAL wife. that is not her email address and if you are, as I think his "common law wife" Jeff is a bigamist and the DA has said for me to get more info and send it to the office.

      Friend of Second Mother

  8. Yes she is claiming to be pregnant again.. but can't keep straight exactly how far along she is. ..I agree this female has issues. .someone needs to stop her..I found out she has scammed hundreds of dollars from people on go fund me accounts. .ivf blogs or Facebook pages along with numerous ems pages. .also she has been caught selling herself on porn sites...she is messed up...

    1. What sites has she been on?

    2. Reference said porn sites or its nonsense.

    3. She has been pretending to be pregnant for years. Everytime she meets a new man she pretends to be pregnant. She is a very sick woman in need of serious mental help. When she faked the pregnancy, birth and death of "Landon", we all realized she was truly mentally ill.

  9. She is not certified. that's why he got fired. I love when Kristel answers acting like someone else. she is so telling. I hope whoever that medic guy is prepares for the bipolar ride he is about to be on...the only thing she is certified in is CRAZY. She has multiple personalities along with everything else wrong with her.

    1. She has never, ever worked for EMS or as an EMT. She is well known in LA for pretending to be an EMS worker. Everyone knows her game.

  10. I like how Kristel poses as members of Jeff's family. I wonder who she will be next? I wonder when the next fake baby will be miscarried? I wonder why Kristel never mentions the 2 live children she will never be allowed to see because she is such an unfit mother she isn't allowed around them? I wonder why anyone would put up with her unless they are crazy too?? I wonder if Kristel knows she is so transparent everyone knows its her?? Come on crazy girl, your reaching but your arms are too short.

    1. She always pretends to be someone else and then goes on tirades defending herself. LOL

  11. Isn't jeff and kristel telling everyone they are common law married? ? Isn't kristel living with Jeff right now?? Isn't kristel saying she is pregnant with fake baby #954? Isn't kristel saying david is her step son?? Isn't kristel saying that she is the only one who (fill in the blank) for jeff?? Or is kristel so deep in her crazy head to realize that she posts every little detail of her life on Facebook? ? Kristel is so obsessed with Facebook. .or is it ..what does she call it... book face... that crazy girl she can't keep her lies straight.

  12. I am related to Jeff's Wife. I am the woman that told My Family that Jeff had moved Kristel into his and his Wife's' home and she and he were sleeping in the next room while his Wife was in the same home. Kristel, who yelled at my Mother, who is 72 by the way, and threatened her, is gutter, white trash. I don't understand how this woman(I use the term very very loosely) has been flying under the radar for so long, without being picked up and immediately put into a mental ward FOREVER.


  13. I am related to Jeffs wife. I am the woman that called My Family and told them that Jeff had moved Kristel into his home and was sleeping in the same bed with her while his wife slept in a different room.
    I don't understand how this gutter, white trash, slime bucket has flew under the radar for so long without being picked up and shipped to a mental ward FOREVER!!


    1. She has been! She faked an entire pregnancy, birth and death with baby "Landon." She stole pics from a Huggies website and went bat shit crazy when busted.

  14. She's definitely a scam artist.

  15. I don't know about Texas, but in Louisiana, they do NOT recognize common law marriage. And to be common law married, I believe you have to be living together for at least a year.

    This is for you, quit faking that you're everyone else, quit faking pregnancies, and seek the help you so desperately need. All the lies you're spewing are catching up to you physically. You're damn near 10 years younger than me arena are looking quite old. You are the nastiest of nasty, and the most vile person I've ever had the dispeasure of knowing. I wish I would have seen the real you, instead of trying to friend you. I feel so sorry for your children to have a mother like you is a disgrace. And i know for a FACT you're not a paramedic, ems, or emt. Ypu are nothing but a fat expanse of wasted space. The sperm your mother should have swallowed, or flushed. You disgust and embarrass me as a female.

  16. Rumor has it that the clueless medic has been locked up..and that bipolar, multiple personality having, unfit mother, baby faking, pregnancy lying, fat, disgusting, body odor having, nasty, over bleached hair wearing, only has 1 shirt for pictures sporting, sorry, never going to amount to anything, short armed, fat legged, no shape having, whore. Had the lights turned off to their apartment and the mama's got a new ride Mercedes repoed! ! I can't wait to see what happens next.. I have popcorn. .so feel free to join in on the comments! ! Since Kris-Tell likes to comment..I hope she flatters mine with a reply. .

    1. Sounds like you're a fan...

    2. Hahaha...like reality TV ....you can't stand to watch..but can't look away. ..white trash drama at its finest...let me guess kris-tell is gonna say haters gonna hate..or someone is jealous. .. nope..just intriguing. .like watching animals in the zoo...

  17. Oh yeah..aaaannndd pill popping, over drinking, smoking hag from under the sea... give me a minute I will think of more....

  18. Wow, this explains a lot.

  19. Hahaha that crazy girl just got kicked out of her apartment after she caused the clueless medic to go to jail!!! Nobody in that town will have anything to do with her...especially after she spent 500 bucks on a nasty ass weave that looks like something a cat puked up...I am thinking it's time to miscarry her fake baby and move on to another poor sap...

    1. BAHAHAHAH! Is she "pregnant" this week? (Why did I even ask?) I hope she fakes an entire pregnancy/delivery/death/funeral/burial again like she did with fake baby Landen. She literally posted pics of someone else's sonogram machine and pretended she was in labor. She needs mental help!

  20. Why did he go to jail? This is some juicy gossip!

    1. I know why he went to jail. I also evicted him

  21. http://kingwoodarrests.com/carrier-jeffrey-dennis-agg-assault-family-member/

  22. Karma is bitting her in the butt.....

  23. I've got a lot of recent pictures and info on Kristel. I rented to the Carrier's before she destroyed their lives.

  24. Well look what we have here! It's a regular cult following... I really feel as though there should be a charge.

    1. I do too. All the lies and fakery should have had Kristel behind bars years ago.

  25. Fucking manipulator to the core.

  26. http://www.gofundme.com/bringingjeffhome

  27. Get this..Jeff is trying to get his Wife, Juanita, to send him money so he can call Kristel. Trying to get Juanita to bond him out. He needs $3,000.00. He got into an argument with Kristel and went to his car and pulled out a gun and threatened to kill himself. His wonderful son tried to get him to listen to reason. Kristel, the inbred, white trash trailer whore, called the Police. Because he had a gun and waved it at his son(A true EMT), he went to jail. Waving a gun around and threatening a Government employee is not a good thing.
    So Jeff sits in jail dreaming of when he can get out and hook up with the inbred, white trash, faking pregnancy, faking miscarriages, trailer whore!!
    I hope to see this inbred bitch when I visit home. I'm going to end all of this bullshit!!


If you have been lied too, conned or scammed by Kristel, please leave details here.