Monday, June 30, 2014

Kristel's IP Address

Over the past few days Kristel has been visiting this blog nonstop, obsessing over it and leaving comments, speaking in 3rd person and pretending to be someone else.  Kristel is NOTORIOUS for being her biggest fan and leaving comments on various websites pretending to be someone else and vehemently taking up for herself.  So funny, that girl.

Over the last few days she has been focusing in on ip addresses and swearing this blog doesn't really track her ip address.  Well, Kristel, I understand you are paranoid and hoping we are just bluffing you but.... we aren't!  let me introduce you to STAT COUNTER!  Stat Counter keeps track of everything that happens on this blog - including the ip address of every single visitor.  Dont believe me?  See for yourself!

This is just a screenshot of the last few visitors. 

Sorry to bust your bubble.  But, if it makes you feel any better,  the blog keeps track of ip address, too.  Look, this blog has over 4,000 hits!

Any more questions?

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Kristel and her new black fella

You know  our favorite fake pregnancy havin, constantly miscarryin', cant keep a baby alive, mother of the year is never without a man. 

Now Kristel has hooked up with some random black man - who just happens to have pic of dead baby graves on his wall!

A match made in Heaven?  It sure seems like it,

Kristel changed her "Kris Smith" facebook page to "Kris Nunya" but not before she added a nice First Responder banner pic to it - cause we know she has to keep up her fantasy life as a firefighter/EMT/nurse, ect...

Here are some of her recent shenanigans:

This is Kristel's new fella.

He's a handsome devil, isn't he!

And here is Kristel's newest alter ego (one in a loooong line of aliases):

Kristel deleted her profile pic and changed her name from "Kris Smith" to "Kris Nonya" to try to trick us because she is mad that we busted her in the most recent post with the baby daddy who claimed she was "by his side" at the same exact time she was trying to bum donations for IVF/pregnant with fake baby Landen.

Kristel, you sneaky little thing!  You can't fool us!  We have a screenshot just in case you tried to pull a little stunt!

I dont know about y'all, but I sure am glad Kristel deleted that awkward, weird mouth profile pic.  Can someone say "Crazy eyes!"

Here is the new love affair unfolding on her new Beau's facebook.

Ahhh..... Smell that?  Love is in the air.

Who wants to make bets on how quick Kristel will get pregnant and have a this new gentleman's fake dead baby?  I give it until the end of summer.

Look at how adorable they are.  Those two are going to make some beautiful fake dead babies!  I can't wait for her to steal pictures of little mixed babies of the internet to pretend are their own.

Kristel, you sure do jump around from man to man.

Lets see, just since you had the fake pregnancy with dead baby Landen you have been with:

1. Jonathan (your hubs who you wanted to do IVF with in August 2013 and who stood rubbing your fake belly  by the mantel like a dumbass  in Dec. 2013)

2. Nakia Guillory (Who was by your side in September 2013)

3. Joseph Farlow - The handsome gent you named fake baby Landen after and who was there to comfort you during the fake death.

4. And now our boy Thad.


Am I missing anybody?

I think it's safe to say Kristel likes the D!

*Note to Kristel:  The CDC warns that promiscuity and multiple sexual partners can lead to STD's and resulting infertility.  I dont mean to be a party pooper but... I think maybe YOU and your lifestyle is the problem!  Maybe you have ghonorhea (or at the very least, crotch crickets) and THAT is why your fake dead babies keep dropping like flies.  Just sayin.

Oh. and in other news, did ya'll know Kristel is a 5 time cancer survivor!

What an inspiration you are to all of us, girl!  Keep up the good work!

Monday, June 2, 2014

She's back - and up to her old tricks.

Well, well, well.  Looky who's back terrorizing fb and making up more lies... out favorite mother of fake dead babies - Kristel.

Let us recap some of Kristel's past Shennanigans, shall we?

Who remembers when Kristel had the failed IVF in August 2013, then made the gofundme account trying to bum money from people for a 2nd IVF?  I know, I know, it gets confusing.  Let's make this easier on everyone with a timeline:


August 11, 2013

Then, we find out that, on September 21, 2013 a man by the name of Nakia Guillory claims he is back with his "baby mama" on his side.  Check out who the "baby mama" is:

September 1, 2013

Yep. It's our girl, Kristel in a bad wig all hugged up with a man that claims to have her "by his side."


If you remember correctly, less than a month after ole Nakia posts that he is back with his "baby mama"  by his side, Kristel pops up claiming to be pregnant with fake baby Landon.

 November 8, 2013

Kristel is a busy girl.  She goes from begging for IVF money to have a baby in mid August, to being with some new guy in September, then 7 months pregnant in November.  And don't forget her posing by the mantle all huge and preggo in December (with both Jonathan and her boys.)

December 2013

And, who can forget Kristel having contractions at the end of December, then having fake baby Landen on January 5, then poor fake baby Landon meeting his tragic demise on January 21, 2014.  Remember fake baby Landen's pic taken from the Huggies website and then his fake obituary and grave.

January 5, 2014.

So, my question is, WHO is the daddy of Fake Baby Landen?

This fella who claims to be with Kristel in September:

or the man she posted with in December:

Or maybe her lover, Joseph Farlow, whom she planned to run away from in January and whom she named fake baby Landen after?

Poor fake baby Landen is probably rolling over in his fake grave not knowing who his daddy is.  

I wonder if Maury can do DNA tests on pretend babies?  If so, Kristel totally needs to go on the show!