Monday, June 2, 2014

She's back - and up to her old tricks.

Well, well, well.  Looky who's back terrorizing fb and making up more lies... out favorite mother of fake dead babies - Kristel.

Let us recap some of Kristel's past Shennanigans, shall we?

Who remembers when Kristel had the failed IVF in August 2013, then made the gofundme account trying to bum money from people for a 2nd IVF?  I know, I know, it gets confusing.  Let's make this easier on everyone with a timeline:


August 11, 2013

Then, we find out that, on September 21, 2013 a man by the name of Nakia Guillory claims he is back with his "baby mama" on his side.  Check out who the "baby mama" is:

September 1, 2013

Yep. It's our girl, Kristel in a bad wig all hugged up with a man that claims to have her "by his side."


If you remember correctly, less than a month after ole Nakia posts that he is back with his "baby mama"  by his side, Kristel pops up claiming to be pregnant with fake baby Landon.

 November 8, 2013

Kristel is a busy girl.  She goes from begging for IVF money to have a baby in mid August, to being with some new guy in September, then 7 months pregnant in November.  And don't forget her posing by the mantle all huge and preggo in December (with both Jonathan and her boys.)

December 2013

And, who can forget Kristel having contractions at the end of December, then having fake baby Landen on January 5, then poor fake baby Landon meeting his tragic demise on January 21, 2014.  Remember fake baby Landen's pic taken from the Huggies website and then his fake obituary and grave.

January 5, 2014.

So, my question is, WHO is the daddy of Fake Baby Landen?

This fella who claims to be with Kristel in September:

or the man she posted with in December:

Or maybe her lover, Joseph Farlow, whom she planned to run away from in January and whom she named fake baby Landen after?

Poor fake baby Landen is probably rolling over in his fake grave not knowing who his daddy is.  

I wonder if Maury can do DNA tests on pretend babies?  If so, Kristel totally needs to go on the show!


  1. I totally missed the other boyfriend in September... She is sick!!!

  2. does she have a new fb account?

  3. This used to be funny. However I can't help but notice that you have yet to write anything with correct dates according to your own pictures you provide. That guy Nakia has on his Facebook September 1 you said September 21. You posted a picture of some obituary thing that says January 26 and you wrote January 21. So it makes me wonder if she was actually being honest about the owner making stuff up a few months ago. Where do you even find the time to get all this "evidence" ? You accuse her of being cucko but you're the only one whos obsessed with digging up dirt on this chick. The word obsessed is used many times by the owner of the blog but you should take a look from the outside. You are becoming desperate. I would guess you can't get under her skin anymore? So you are grasping anything you can? Oh you should message that man on Facebook because I did and he actually told me that he's here oldest child's father and nothing about being the new baby's father. You should be ashamed of yourself for all this. We don't know the story about this person and I'm the first to admit I was wrong following this blog and I'm sorry for believing this crap. You've shown your true colors. And good job making a new Facebook account. Kristi has a Google Page you can message her through and she doesn't have Facebook. So why don't you message here and ask questions before you ASSume things. You're a troublemaker.

  4. Hi Kristel! So good for you to pop in to play! Any new dead babies or fake pregnancies we need to know about?

    P.S. Don't forget this blog has an ip tracker. ;)

  5. P.S. I like how you are pretending that was a fake fb with all those new pics. You know that was you pretending to be "Kris Smith." Girl, you better quit making up stories!

    And, there are several of us obsessed with you. Obsessed with exposing you everytime you make up a new fake dead baby! We are tired of your lies and scams and will forever bust you. You should probably stay away from social media all together because you just cant seem to remember when your fake dead babies died. :/

  6. Kristel hunny there are many of us obsessed with exposing you! Face it you can't run! Bobby Martin caught you didn't he! Sneaky boy he is!

  7. Yeah shes the wacko says the person that dedicated a full blog to "expose her lies".. YOU CREATED A PROJECT DEDICATED TO MESS WITH THIS GIRL..and shes the wacko?!? This is Courtney H in Dayton, Ohio.. I don't have to keep myself hidden..

    1. How is it "Wacko" to expose a liar who has been conning people and spending an insane amount of time making up lies to gain sympathy from REAL, TRUE grieving mothers?

      This blog is a public service announcement and LOTS of people appreciate it!

  8. Hey Courtney, remember that time you got mad and said "I know she's crazy and lying about all those dead babies but I like that she has fb so I know what she's up too!" LOL You little stinker!


If you have been lied too, conned or scammed by Kristel, please leave details here.