Friday, February 7, 2014

The Life and Times of Kristel & Her Imaginary Babies

Once upon a time there was a crazy girl named Kristel.

Kristel loved to pretend she was pregnant even though her tubes were tied.

Kristel loved to complain about being infertile and beg for money for IVF.

She took money and baby items from anyone gullible enough to donate to her.

One day, after spending the past 2 months harassing her friends and family for money after a failed IVF attempt, Kristel all the sudden became magically pregnant with a 7 month fetus.

It was a true miracle!

A woman with her tubes tied, who had just started an online website for donations (and accepted money, no less) to do IVF to try to get pregnant was suddenly  pregnant!  And, in her 3rd trimester, no less!

How could this be!  It was a medical miracle!  A phenomenon almost as unbelievable as the Blessed mother and the Christ child himself!

How could a woman from Louisiana go from infertile and bumming donations online to 7 months pregnant in a weeks time?

It was the 8th wonder of the world!

Was Kristel scared?  Was she confused?  Did she wonder how this could be?  Oh no! Not Kristel!  She was too busy tweeting!

 (Kristel, honey, babies arent carried in your booty!)

Thats right!  Kristel went from infertile and trying to drum up money for infertility treatments in October to tweeting belly shots supposedly 7 months pregnant on November 8, 2013.

KRISTEL!   You are something else!  LOL

Not only did Kristel try to trick us into believing she was pregnant, she even made her silly husband pose in pictures with her!

(That's one HUMONGOUS belly for someone who's not preggo!)

It was so obnoxious, her lies.  Kristel really tried to trick her friends and neighbors into believing she was pregnant even though she has no fallopian tubes! 

Kristel accepted donations.

She accepted homemade baby gifts.

And when the clock ran out and it was time to produce a baby...

Well, Kristel stole a picture of a baby off the Huggies website and pretended it was hers!


Didnt your mama teach you not to lie, Kristel!

But, lie she did!

She posted these pictures of herself:

We were all ASTONISHED to see that her newborn baby, Landon, was a model for Huggies and Fox News a full year before he was born!

It was like magic!

Not only did Kristel go from being not-pregnant to 7 months pregnant in a few weeks time, she was also pregnant with a baby that had done a modeling shoot the year before!  WOW!

We were all so excited to meet this magic baby!  We couldn't wait to get his autograph (considering he had already modeled for HUGGIES and Fox News!

Would he continue modeling?  Would he go on to do motion pictures?

The world was baby Landon's oyster!

His future was so bright!

A magic baby... that was an in demand MODEL!
As the weeks ticked on we waited and waited and asked questions about this wonder child - only to be shot down and cussed out by Kristel!

It seems this medical phenomenon, this miracle baby, had suddenly died, conveniently just as people were starting to get suspicious as to why Kristel could never show him off.

How tragic... but expected.

You see, Kristel gets pregnant all the time.  Pretty much every other month, in fact.  

But, strangely enough, none of her babies ever live.  

They always conveniently die when Kristel can no longer make excuses for why there is no baby at the end of 9 months (or 2 months, considering Kristel never has time for the first 2 trimesters.)  

In case you didn't know, when Kristel gets pregnant she conceives at 7 months!  

Sometimes she just has stillborns without even being pregnant!  (Like the phenomenon of Grace Marie - the stillborn that appeared out of thin air... or did she live a few hours?  Kristel can never remember!)

Sometimes Kristel has twins.  Sometimes they die without anyone ever knowing she was pregnant.

Sometimes she miscarries twins and then goes dancing at the club!


And, don't you dare try to ask Kristel about the specifics of these pregnancies or she will cuss you out and threaten to put you in jail.

Kristel, she's a real character!

Stay tuned for more adventures!

Kristel Prudhomme,  Kristel Prudhomme Breaux, Kristel Thomason,  Grace Marie Breaux,  Landon Breaux 


  1. I guess you can say I was one of those that bought into the hype of Landon. I was shocked when coming across this blog. Kristel is no longer responding to texts and I figured to do a search to hopefully find a home phone. My heart has been broken for her and her family. I prayed for them daily. Now to see this, my heart is broken again. I thought I ha known herThis is a terrible shame.

  2. A lot of people believed she had "Grace", but not many people believed she was really pregnant with "Landon" because it wasn't possible. She had a failed IVF in July, begged for money for fertility treatments in Oct, then pretended to be 6 months pregnant in Nov.

    It was all just a hoax to get money and attention.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Hi Kristel! Why are you commenting and then deleting?

  4. Wow! This is quite disturbing instead of claiming to be in the medical field, she should be getting medical care!

  5. So either you lied or you're a fake. You claim are has her tubes tied. Then you claim she got pregnant with "NO" fallopian tubes. You need to make up your mind because this blog is quickly making you out to be the real mental case. You are the one who can't keep your dates and so called evidence correct or provide any additional information on how you are seeing what no one else sees. Maybe you're the one fabricating everything because you're bitter?

  6. Kristel! What have I told you about leaving comments pretending to be annonymous strangers? Stop that! It's OK if you want to leave a comment, but quit taking up for yourself by pretending to be someone else! LOL SIlly girl! You aren't fooling anyone!


If you have been lied too, conned or scammed by Kristel, please leave details here.